Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Major Procrastination

Today I had an interview with an online interactive magazine for a position as an editor.. and mid-conversation with the CEO I realized I haven't finished a single piece of fiction that I started writing.  I get an idea that I'm in love with and write for days on end-- sometimes weeks.  And then I get busy with other stuff, lose touch with what I'm writing about, and forget about it entirely.  Eventually I think of another idea and start the whole process all over again.  This is entirely irrelevant to the interview because it had nothing to do with fiction writing... but it was a frustrating reality check nonetheless.  I think I have the first third of about six very different novels written, and I wonder why I'm a full-time waitress.  Harsh, maybe. But seriously...

I remember reading about an author who set his alarm for like 7 AM every morning, got dressed, and went into his study as if it were a real work place, and stayed there for a full, uninterrupted eight-hour day.  It was like he was tricking himself into thinking his writing was a real paid job to discipline himself.  And it worked obviously, because he was a famous author.  Hence why I was learning about his lifestyle.  This would be way more informative if I could remember who I was talking about. Sorry.  My point is I would like to try that kind discipline.  Finishing a piece of work and being proud enough of it to share it with people would be an entirely new experience for me. 

On a completely different note, Aaron (is that the right pseudonym?) and I are almost done furnishing and decorating the apartment, and it's looking pretty good.  The walls are a weird texture so we're avoiding any painting/ wallpapering.  It's a small space with no room for big picture changes, but all things considered, I think we've done a pretty great job.  I'm excited to see what we can do with a bigger apartment that's more flexible to being customized.  HGTV has completely taken over my mind.  I keep saying I'll put up pictures and it has yet to be done. I haven't gotten the apartment clean enough to want to take pictures yet, but I promise, they're coming!!

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