Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Geary Street

Aright, I finally took some pictures of the apartment.  We still have some decorating to do in the living room and bedroom, but we're getting there.  As of right now there is nothing else interesting going on.  That's all I've got. 

The lighting makes everything in the bathroom look green... but it's all white. Except for the shower curtain...and the rug...and the stuff on the shelf. Half of it's green. 

And in case you've forgotten what we look like... 
We were really excited... and freezing. And missing everyone in MA terribly.

1 comment:

  1. The apartment looks beautiful! I can't wait till I come visit! haha Thank god you posted that pic cause I really was forgetting what you looked liked. :-( Blah I miss you!
