Saturday, January 8, 2011

First Post from the West Coast!

It's been three days since I landed in San Francisco.  I had never been to California and really had no idea what to expect.  I still don't really know what to expect... I spent the first few days just exploring.  Tomorrow Aaron (abiding by my code-name promise) and I are spending almost the entire day apartment hunting all over the city.  We have about ten places lined up and I can't help but have really high hopes that we're going to find a place. To be honest, I have high hopes that we're going to find an insanely affordable all-inclusive newly remodeled two bedroom in the center of the city that's big enough to start hosting dance classes but.. I'm not very realistic.  Right now we're staying in a room within a family's home and don't have much personal space. 

It's nerve-racking and maybe in some people's opinions plain stupid to commit to an apartment without a job.  But it's kind of a chicken and the egg dilemma; it's hard to find a job without a space to spread out, too.  So I'm taking the risk and hoping one will closely follow the other.  I have an interview Monday at a high-end seafood restaurant-- I know I didn't move across the country for a waitress job, but it's a start--so... fingers crossed!  This would be a far more interesting post if I had pictures to accompany it but... the camera was one of the casualties in the stolen purse trauma, so blame the Dorchester thief for that downfall.  

I'll have way better, way more exciting news next time...

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